而這部片是Facing the Giants 永不放棄
taking 傑拉米 on your back, believe you can, prose me you will do the best
布洛克:好吧 alright
教練:盡全力 your best
教練:要讓我看最好的表現 you’ll give me the best?
布洛克:我會盡全力 I’ll give you my best
教練:好,還有一點,我要你矇著眼睛做 alright, one more thing, want you to wear my
布洛克:為什麼 why?
Cause I don’t want you give up when you can go further. Get down.
教練:行了,讓我看你的努力 here you go, give me your effort
對了! 很好的開始。左邊一點,左邊一點,對了,布洛克
(here you go, a good start, to the left, to the left, here you go, Brock)
力氣很大。Good strength
對了,布洛克,對了 that’s it Brock, that’ it
布洛克:到20碼沒有? Do I get twenty yard?
Left the twenty, do your best, keep going that’s it
不要停,你的本事不只如此 don’t stop, Brock, you got more than that
布洛克:我沒結束,只是休息一下。I’m not quit, just rest a second.
教練:你要繼續動,走吧!精疲力竭之前別放棄!You’ve to keep moving, keep moving. Don’t quit till got nothing left.
now you go, keep moving, keep moving, Brock, that’s it, you keep driving.
keep your knees off the ground, keep driving, very best
盡全力,繼續,布洛克! 對了,對了,對了
very vest, your very best, keep moving, Brock, that’s it*3
keep going. Don’t quit off, keep going.
keep driving, keep your knees off the ground, that’s it.
盡全力,不要放棄,繼續 your very best, don’t quit, your very best. Keep driving
繼續,繼續。 對了,繼續 keep driving*2, there you go*2
繼續,膝蓋不要碰地,對了 that’s it, keep your knees off the ground
精疲力竭前不要放棄 Don’t quit till you got nothing left.
繼續,布洛克! 對了,對了,對了keep moving, Brock, that’s it*3
keep going, I want everything you got, come on, keep going.
布洛克:很痛 hurts!
教練:別放棄,要盡全力 Don’t quit, your very best.
繼續,繼續,對了,對了 keep driving*2, there you go*2
布洛克:他很重 He’s heavy.
教練:我知道 I know you said.
布洛克:我快沒力氣了 But I’ve run out of strength.
教練:再找更多力氣 you need to go shift with to find more strength.
You don’t to give up for me. Brock, you keep going for me, your hear me?
You keep going, you doing good, you not quit of it, you keep going.
布洛克:很痛 HURT
教練:我知道很痛,你繼續吧 I know it hurts, you keep going.
It’s now for heart from here, thirty more steps, keep going, Brock, come on.
繼續 keep going.
布洛克:像火燒一樣 Burned.
教練:讓他燒 you let it burn.
布洛克:我的手臂像燒起來了 My arms are burned.
教練:全靠心理。繼續,布洛克,加油. It’s now heart. You keep going, Brock, come one.
come on, keep going, you promise me your best, your best,
別停,繼續 Don’t stop, keep going.
布洛克:太困難了 Too hard.
教練:不會太困難,繼續,加油,布洛克 It’s not too hard, you keep going, come on, Brock
再給我一點,再給我一點,繼續 Give me more*2, keep going.
還剩20步,20步 twenty more steps, twenty more.
Keep going Brock, give me your best, don’t quit.
不,繼續,繼續 no, keep going*2
繼續,別放棄,別放棄 keep going, don’t quit*2
別放棄,布洛克,你不會放棄 Don’t quit, Brock, you don’t quit.
繼續,繼續 keep going*2
加油,布洛克,不要放棄 go Brock, you don’t quit of it,
不,你要繼續,no, you keep going.
繼續,加油,布洛克 you keep going, go, Brock.
還有十步,十步 Ten more steps, ten more.
還有十步,還有十步 ten more*2
繼續,別放棄,把你的心交給我 keep going, don’t’ quit, give me your heart.
布洛克:我不行了 I don’t
教練:你可以,可以 you can! You can!
五步,五步,five more, five more.
加油,布洛克,加油,別放棄,別放棄 come on Brock, come on, don’t quit*2
加油,還有兩步,還有兩步 come on, two more! One more!
It got to fifty, it got to fifty, oh, I’m very work.
教練:看吧,布洛克,你已經到底線了(Look, Brock, you’re in yourself.)
我想 這對影片主要是對我有很大幫助 這將會是我未來這幾年的激勵影片
而放在部落格上 也是為了分享 希望 我們一起努力吧
不論未來有多遠 終點有多長 困難有多高 路有多崎嶇 都能keep going
對需要考會計師 律師 社工師等人來說 或許總是單兵作戰 少有組隊同步前進 更缺乏教練的鼓勵
不如 來個自己教練 督促自己
夢想有多大 力量就有多大 我是個會做夢的人 呵呵