剛剛從重灌狂人那邊知道,我愛用的瀏覽器OPERA 10版剛剛推出了新功能,超級大創新的功能,
八年前opera推出了創新的滑鼠手勢,那時候是第五版,八年後推出了第十版, 這值得紀念的版本有什麼特別的呢?
就如標題一樣,只要你有web-cam 在剛開始時,系統掃描你的表情後,開始下指令
你只要擠眉弄眼就可以控制瀏覽器往下往上 上頁下頁 重新整理 開新視窗等等功能
不用再像現在一樣還需要用滑鼠來控制啦!! 這個強阿!!
像看小說~那些等等的 我就不用那麼麻煩了~往下點個頭 他就會自動往下拉!! 哈哈 科技始於人性阿
Face the future
Wednesday, 1. April 2009, 00:01:00
Eight years ago, Mouse Gestures was introduced as a way to speed up your interaction with the browser, and focus on what's important: Content. In 2005, Voice Navigation was introduced, and more recently we've worked with Nintendo to create a browser that takes full advantage of the "Wiimote" and later, the touchscreen in the DSi.
Looking ahead, we recognize the future importance of touch interfaces, but we believe that there is another input device that is already present in most new computers and it's ready to enable a whole new way of user-interaction: The Webcam.
Today we introduce Face Gestures, a revolutionary technology designed to make interacting with Opera easier on computers with cameras. Face Gestures lets you perform frequent browsing operations with natural and easy to make face gestures. By using an internal technology dubbed Face Observation Opera Language, we are able to recognize pre-determined facial expressions and match them to commands on the Opera browser.
Setting up Face Gestures:
To enable Face Gestures, close your eyes and press F8. You will hear a beeping sound as soon as Opera finishes calibrating your passive facial expression. Please don't open your eyes, move your head or make any facial expressions while Face Gestures is calibrating.
The following gestures are currently included:
Back - Left Wink
Forward - Right Wink
New Tab - Double Wink
Reload - Shake Head
Go to Home Page - Roll Eyes / Fake Smile
Scroll Up - Raise Eyebrows
Scroll Down - Frown Eyebrows
Zoom Out - Puff Cheeks
Zoom In - Suck Cheeks
Bookmark Page - Lick up
Open Speed Dial - Waggle tongue
As always, we encourage you to give us feedback and throw any suggestions you may have at us. Please upload your gestures suggestions as a response to the above video on YouTube.
Security Considerations:
No personal information or images are sent back to Opera when Face Gestures is enabled, so don't worry about how you look. Although please be aware that lack of clothing combined with body hair could affect recognition (read Known Issues below).
Known Issues:
As with any beta release there are some known issues with the current version of Face Gestures. Please read below before reporting a bug:
Beards and hair styles: Face Gestures is compatible with most types of facial hair and haircuts. If your face is covered by more than 25% with facial hair, recognition errors may occur: Handlebars and Goatees are compatible independently but if combined recognition will decrease. At the moment soul-patches crashes the browser and it would refuse to relaunch, we are looking into this problem. Bushmen beards and emo haircuts are not supported.
Adult Web sites: Users visiting Web sites that contain adult content sometimes make unconscious facial expressions. If Opera keeps opening Speed Dial and Zooming In and Out, please be aware that this not a bug. It may be useful to disable Face Gestures for a better experience. Also remember that wiping your cache is recommend after visiting untrusted websites.
Financial Web sites: For compatibility reasons Face Gestures auto-detects financial news services and disables itself. The current version of the recognition software is unable to calibrate fast enough the change in the users expression map. As soon as the new version is available you will be prompted to install stimulus_package.patch.
For more information about Opera Face Gestures, please read the release notes on Opera Labs. You can also download the build with Face Gestures support. Enjoy!