
這個版本是佳惠傳給我的,星期二的時候 Steven Chen老師 介紹的Youtube

改編自喜歌劇大師 Gioacchino Rossini(1792-1868 義大利)的   威廉泰爾序曲-「這網頁有試聽喔」

「如果聽過恆春兮的話 絕對對這首不陌生」

影片一開始 踏入場中的是一位中年發福婦女  就是一副能幹媽媽的形象

能幹的媽媽 有一必備條件- 滔滔不絕的嘮叨 肺活量不怕用完的drag 語氣強勢 動作生動 眼神犀利


The MOM!! (Click me for more inf.)

Mother's Day    雖然 影片有字幕 為了練習 就也打出來拉~

Get up now, get up now, get up out of bed
Wash your face,brush your teeth
Comb your sleepy head
Here's your clothes and your shoes
Hear the words I said
Get up now, get up and make your Bed!
Are you Hot? Are you Cold?
Are you wearing THAT?
Where's your books and your lunch?
And your homework at?
Grab your coat and your gloves
And your scarf and hat
Don't forget you gotta feed the cat.「還好我家沒養貓」
Eat your breakfast the experts tell us.
It's the most important meal of ALL!「因此我養成了一定要吃早餐的好習慣,其他可以不吃就是一定要吃早餐」
Take your vitamins so you will grow up「我媽試過逼我吃,可是~我裝傻不吃」
One day to be Big and Tall!
Please remember the orthodontist
Will be seeing you at 3 today
Don't forget your pian lesson is this afternoon「媽阿,為什麼你沒讓我學鋼琴呢? 說不定我會是神童呢!」
So you MUST PLAY!「看我的手指這麼靈活~沒play piano 太可惜了… 我媽一定會反問你有看過音痴學鋼琴嗎」
Don't shovel Chew Slowly「細嚼慢咽 才會健康阿~」
But hurry, the bus is here.
Be careful, come back here!
Did you wash behind your ears?
Play outsite, don't be rough
Would you just play fair?
Be polite, make a friend Don't forget to share.
Work it out. Wait your turn.
Never take a dare,
Get along, Don't make me come DOWN there.
Clean your room, Put your stuff away「我的房間是豬窩,我已經打敗我媽了!」
Make your bed, do it now!
Do we have all day?
Were you born in a barn?
Would you like some hay?
Can you even hear a word I say?「我很想聽阿~可是你就像這女主角一樣說得那麼快,誰聽得懂阿!!」
Answer the phone!媽:「一個月打七八百,打得比我還多,你是作什麼大生意阿?」
Get off the phone! 媽:「你再講那麼多電話,我就停掉你的電話!!」
Don't sit so close. Turn it down.
No texting at the table.
No No more computer time TONIGHT!「有個電腦白痴的老媽多麼希望自己的孩子電腦強阿! 所以我沒這問題!」
Your IPOD"S my IPOD If you don't listen up,媽:「東西都是大家的,沒有分你的我的,但是我的小朋友你不能亂拿!」
Where are you going? and with whom? And what time?
Do you think you're coming home?
Saying Thank you! Please! Excuse me!
Makes you welcome, everywhere you roam
You'll appreciate my wisdom,
someday you're older and you're grown.
Can't wait with you have a couple little children or your own.
You'll thank me, For The Counsel I gave you.
So willingly.
But right now, I'll thank you not to roll your eyes at me.媽:「你給我電電,小孩子有耳無舌,我說得才是正確的」
Close your month when you chew.
We'd appreciate
Take a bite maybe two of the stuff you hate.
Use yuor fork, do not burp, or I'll set you straight.
Eat the food I put upon your plate.
Get an "A", Get the door, don't get smart with me.
Gert a grip, get in here I'll count to 3.「老媽總會說數到三再不做事情就要給我好看,而重點是當他數到一我就被機關槍掃射的體無完膚了~」
Get a job, get a life, get a PHD.
Get a dose of...
I don't care who started it.
You're grounded until you're 36.
Get your story straight and tell the true for once,
For heaven's sake.
And if all your friends jumped off a cliff,
would you jump too?
If I've said it once, I've said it at least a thousand times before.
That you're too old to act this way.
It must be your father's DNA.「請記住,你的優點是因為遺傳自媽媽,一切缺點都是你爸個基因缺陷傳給你的」
Look at me when I am talking.「因為...歌手不希望沒聽眾聽他唱歌,演員不希望沒觀眾看他演戲阿!!」
Stand up straighter when you walk.
A place for everything and everything must be in place.
Stop crying or I'll gvie you something real to cry about.「請不要為我哭泣,我會讓你找到其他理由而哭!!」
Wash your face brush your teeth.
Get your PJ's on.
Get in bed, give a hug, say a prayer with MOM.
Don't forget I love you.「是阿! 天下唯母愛最偉大,別忘了跟媽媽說這句話」
And tomorrow will all this again,
Because MOM's ends never ends
You don't need the reason why
Because, because, because, because
I said so, I said so, I said so.
「開幕閉幕 戲演得再好總有結束的時候,從小大到總是被教育要負責,這部份不可否認,媽媽最堅守崗位盡責也最有效率」
「24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 媽媽就是7-11跟全家全年無休不打烊,絕對絕對沒有人比媽媽更認真」



看了之後,僅有一項結論: 媽!!你怎麼模仿其他媽媽阿! 


從之前到現在 好像只有幼稚園的時候繪畫圖來幫媽媽慶生及母親節
現在卻都不會怎樣做了, 已經停止慶祝一段時間了,又慶祝很尷尬可我相信今年做了之後 尷尬頂多這一次吧~
母親節 我用他生日來慶祝   Happy Birthday to Her 摟~

(其實很難想像的是 為什麼他們會生出一個這麼好動愛玩的我呢?)

MAN leads a crazy life!!  

At the end,

用一首老歌來祝福 天下的媽媽都是一樣的  Happy On Mother's Day!!!

天下的孩子也都會是一樣的 母親節快樂 這五個字 會有不同的感動喔


天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的
天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的

不管風吹雨打 不管星期或例假
我的媽媽從來不放假 工作為了家
廚房是她的天下 獅子頭還有紅燒鴨
樣樣她都精通不會假 她是我媽媽

從小常常挨罵 那是因為我不聽話
不要以為這是種懲罰 她只要我長大
媽媽我感謝妳 沒有把我跟大毛比
雖然我考試沒有得第一 她說只要你盡了力

天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的
天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的

不管太陽昇起 不管夕陽它又落西
為了我們妳犧牲了自己 我永遠不會忘記
將來有那麼一天 我把太陽高高昇起
掛在妳永遠滿足的笑意裡 媽媽我愛妳

天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的
天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的


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